We’ll Meet Again sings Linsdale Singers ahead of VE Day
Written by LBRadio on 4th May 2020
The Linsdale Singers are missing their regular singing events as well as the weekly rehearsals, where they learn new music, practice on-going pieces and work on blending our voices in one space with a conductor to keep time.
During the Lockdown period, Conductor, Dennis Pim, arranged this very timely piece for 4 parts, with such poignant words. Each choir member recorded it in isolation and sent it in for him to”knit” together. Just in time for the VE day Bank Holiday this Friday.
The result can be found on the public section of their website in the audio samples section – www.linsdale.org.uk/listen.php
Pauline Roby, Chair of Linsdale Singers told us
It has certainly been a learning curve for us, to sing without a conductor to keep us together, and to record on our own! Meanwhile, we are keeping our group spirits up through messaging and phone calls, and looking forward to the moment, one sunny day, when we will meet again.
The photo attached is from our concert in March, at Stewkley Methodist Church, where we sang a wide ranging programme of music by female composers, which raised money for the Riding for the Disabled Charity and was very well received by the audience, along with the tea and cakes afterwards.
The Linsdale Singers are looking for new singers. If anyone is interested in joining, once Lockdown rules are relaxed, they can start discussions now with the Chair of the Linsdale Singers by email: info@linsdale.org.uk or by phone 01582 475365.