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Consultant called in for Land South of High Street, Leighton Buzzard

Written by on 3rd September 2019

Gennaro Borrelli presents Voice of the Town on Leighton Buzz Radio on alternative Tuesdays at 1pm.  

Gennaro is a staunch defender of Leighton Buzzard High Street and campaigns for action with his local High Street representation group, LB First.  He is also on a member of the Federation of Small Business ‘Special Interest Group’ formed to take action to ensure the vitality of our Town Centre.

Gennaro’s latest show can be listened to at the bottom of the page where he gives his views on a recent interview by the Mayor Cllr David Bowater.  Next week Cllr Victoria Harvey will also be responding regarding the out of town retail development.

Gennaro’s latest update regarding the town:-

As was reported in last week’s L.B.O. the town council will be meeting with a consultant to seek advice about formulating a neighbourhood plan for the land South of the High Street.

This is something L.B. First supports as it will set out clearly the want and needs of the town’s community and how this strategically important piece of land can be best used. This will make it harder for that land to be developed for things such as blocks of flats and could be used with a developer in a positive way to provide the town with more of what it wants such as more leisure facilities and amenities and retail.

Central Beds council needs to buy the remaining parcels of land which combined with its own will provide a large plot for development which if designed properly will further enhance our town centre and make it more of a destination attracting more visitors and offsetting any loss of footfall since the opening of the Grovebury Road retail park.

If we are to retain a vibrant, traditional market town centre it’s important that people email their Central Beds councillors letting them know what they want for the future of our town and objecting against the proposed building of flats at the back of the post office, especially as access, parking, noise levels affecting the pubs and conservation area are all major points.

The planning meeting is scheduled for 11th September at Chicksands at the moment although this may not go ahead. Before that we have the Partnership Committee meeting on Thursday 5th September, 7.30pm at the White House where members of the public are welcome and can ask questions at the beginning.

While many other local authorities are being much more proactive in buying land for redevelopment and creating extra revenue streams at the same time we look to Central Beds council to do the same. On the 24th September the local Federation of Small Business ‘Special Interest Group’ has organised a buffet lunch where local business owners can come along and meet our MP Andrew Selous and local councillors where questions can be asked regarding our town centre and its future vitality. The meeting will be held at Bossard Hall, West Street, Leighton Buzzard, LU7 1DA. The event is free and lunch will be served from 1pm with the meeting taking place from 1.30pm to 2.30pm, to reserve your place visit For more info contact Gennaro on 01525 854273, L.B. First Facebook page or Leighton Buzz Radio.

You can listen to my recent show here which includes my thoughts and comments about the recent opening of the Grovebury Road Development.  On next week’s show I will be speaking to Cllr Victoria Harvey who will also respond to recent comments about the development.  Listen Tuesday 10th September 1pm and repeated at 6pm.