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We’ll Remember You Walter Randall

Written by on 5th March 2020

Leighton Buzzard is joined by the rest of the country in remembering Walter Randall today on the sad news of his death.   He became nationally known as the country’s oldest poppy seller and it is fitting that as he campaigned for people to remember the fallen in the war that we remember him today.

Councillor David Bowater released this message:-

On behalf of everyone at Leighton-Linslade Town Council, may I express our great sadness at the news of the passing of Mr Walter (Wally) Randall, former Mayor of the Council. His service to our community over many years was exemplary and he will be greatly missed. The Council is grateful for having been able to confer the title of the first ever Honorary Freeman of Leighton-Linslade to Mr Randall in November 2019, in recognition of his service.” Councillor David Bowater, Town Mayor 2019-20







Details of his Honorary Freeman award can be seen here