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Training Task 1 – Our constitution

Below is our constitution: updated 22nd September 23

Leighton Buzz Radio Constitution

Name: Leighton Buzz Radio Association

Operating Address: 16 Slicketts Lane, Edlesborough, LU6 2JD

Structure: Unincorporated Association

Leighton Buzz Radio is a non-political and non-sectarian organisation

1. Aims:

1a. Community

The aims of Leighton Buzz Radio are specifically to support the community of the Leighton Buzzard area defined as a 6-mile radius from the Market Cross in Leighton Buzzard High Street. This includes but is not limited to:-


Providing publicity for community events


Providing publicity for charities, not-for-profits and other organisations that benefit our community


Attending community events


Broadcasting news and essential information for our listeners specific to the Leighton Buzzard area


Allowing a platform for the community to express their opinions


Promote all that is good about the Leighton Buzzard area to support our local economy


Provide training and opportunities to learn new skills


Fundraise for our elected local charity

1b. Volunteers


Provide an environment of friendship, support, and inclusion for our volunteers


Social events


2. Membership

A ‘member’ is a person, whether an individual, association, corporate body or other charity.

The Association is made up of volunteers of Leighton Buzz Radio, including a person, association, corporate body or charity.

Membership ends when a person is no longer a volunteer.

2a Removal of a Member

Any offensive behaviour, including racist, sexist or inflammatory remarks, will not be permitted. This includes representation online.

Anyone behaving in an offensive way or breaking the equal opportunities policy may be asked to resign from the Association if an apology is not given or the behaviour is repeated. The individual concerned shall have the right to be heard by the Station Manager and at least 2 other members of the Management Committee before a final decision is made. The individual can be accompanied by a friend at a hearing meeting.

2b Equal Opportunities

Leighton Buzz Radio Association will not discriminate on the grounds of gender, race, colour, ethnic or national origin, sexuality, disability, religious or political belief, marital status, or age.

3. Management and Organisation

In the first year a Management Committee will be made up in the first year:1st October 2020 to 20th September 2021 by founder members of the Association (Appendix I) who wish to be involved.

Subsequently the management of the Association shall be vested in a Management Team. All association members will have an opportunity to apply to vacant roles of the Management Team after consistently and actively volunteering for Leighton Buzz Radio for a minimum period of 9 months. Acceptance of a new Management Team will be by consensus vote at the AGM or an ad hoc meeting called for that purpose.


The day to day running decisions will be made by the Station Manager. All association members can propose ideas and changes for the consideration of the Management Team. These can be proposed via the Leighton Buzz Radio Presenters Facebook group or via the email address:


Sub-committees can be formed for specific tasks as required. All decisions made by a sub committee will need final approval by the Management Team.

4. Constitutional Roles

Association Manager: Andrena Carden-White

Bank Account Signatories: Andrena Carden-White, Garry Higgins

Treasurer: Penelope Cross

Other Roles as required for the smooth running of the association as proposed by the Management Team by consensus at the AGM (Annual General Meeting)


5. Annual General Meeting (AGM)

Our annual general meeting will be held at the beginning of the year at a date agreed by the Management Team (typically January or February). Members will be notified via the Leighton Buzz Radio Presenter Facebook group as soon as practically possible but in the region of 4 weeks in advance. Items for discussion can be put forward by members at any time. AGMs are open to all association members. Minutes will be published to the Association via the Presenters Facebook group and linked via the Presenter’s Noticeboard.

5a Special Meetings

Special Meetings of the Management Team will be on an ad hoc basis as required and can be requested by members at any time. 14 days’ notice of a Special Meeting will be posted in the Presenters Facebook group. Minutes will be reported to the Association via the Presenters Facebook group and Presenter’s Noticeboard.

5b Procedures for meetings

A chairperson can be nominated for each meeting. In the absence of any other volunteer the Station Manager will chair the meeting. Meetings will follow a pre-published agenda and decisions will be carried by consensus vote. A volunteer will be requested to minute the meeting.

6 Finance

6a A bank account will be maintained on behalf of Leighton Buzz Radio at Metro Bank

6b There will be two signatories to the account, each transaction will require a single signature by the station manager or in case of the station manager being incapacitated then the alternative signatory at the express request of the Management Team.

6c Records of income and expenditure will be maintained by the Treasurer and a financial statement given at the AGM

6d All money raised by the Association will be spent solely on the aims laid out in the constitution.

6e Should there be any financial deficit in the running of the station it will be met by Andrena Carden-White until otherwise agreed. No financial burden will be passed to any members of the Association or the Management Committee unless otherwise agreed by the Management Committee.


7. Changes to the Constitution

Changes to the constitution can be proposed at any time by a member. Unless considered urgent by the members, the changes will be considered at the AGM, otherwise it will be by an additional meeting.

8. Dissolution of the Association

The decision to dissolve the Association would be proposed to the members for consideration. Should the Association be dissolved decisions regarding any remaining funds would be decided by the Management Committee by consensus.


Appendix I

Founder Members

The following are founder members of Leighton Buzz Radio:

Andrena Carden-White

Bekka Prideaux

Chloe Peters

Chris Richardson

Emma Curzon

Garry Higgins

Gennaro Borrelli

Guy Venner

Harriet Flitton

Ian Davison

Johnny Murph

Luisa Borrelli

Russell Auty

Stephanie Sergeant

Steve James