Other Information
Useful Information and references
Our website address is: Leightonbuzzradio.co.uk
How to Listen
On this page https://leightonbuzzradio.co.uk/how-to-listen/ are all the details on how people can listen. It includes our Android and Apple apps, plus google and internet radio.
If you visit our Facebook page there is also an app button at the top of the page to listen to the station
Dropbox Link
There is a joint Dropbox folder where you can access information, sound files and images. This link is for the sole purpose of active volunteers at Leighton Buzz Radio and must not be shared to anyone else
Adding Tracks Guidelines
This link will provide you with the guidelines for adding tracks to the station, you can also find it in the Dropbox above
Style Sheet
This link is to the Style Guide for use of our logo and colours and fonts
We have merchandise available for presenters which are supplied at cost plus delivery just ask if you would like to know more.