Current track




Swapping Tracks
As we have already said, if you are presenting the Buzzing Music Mix which is a Top 10 music category throughout the decades then the music will be pre-populated for you, but perhaps you really don’t like a song,  then you can search the media library and swap for a different track.  For example, perhaps there is a song that perfectly fits with some content you want to include or perhaps something comes up that is entirely inappropriate for the mood of the nation, for example, one station infamously played Tracey Chapman’s Fast Car after the announcement of Princess Diana’s death.

Adding Tracks

If you have a specialist music show before resorting to adding more tracks we urge you to look through the substantial library of music already loaded and always replace a track from the same category of music.  Did you know that if you insert a rock music category into an hour, the next time that hour runs that category will be preserved.  Our Rock music category contains swearing, so if you didn’t then check that hour again for some reason you could potentially put the station in breech of broadcasting regulations.

Kill Date

Unless you have been given a specific category to load your music to, all presenters loading music must be loaded to the Shows Music.  This category does not automatically get entered into the stations playlist and therefore is the only safe place to put it. When adding a track be sure to add a ‘kill date’ of 2 weeks time to ensure that the stations data isn’t overloaded with tracks week on week.  You will find the Kill Date by clicking the other button, switching kill date so that it shows green and then adding the date.

Never add interviews, adverts, promos or voice tracks to a music category; our automated software will select them and play them into the station. If you would like to add an interview or other content, request this via there are specific categories for this – please dont guess! More specific guidelines about adding tracks are in a sheet at the end of this training document.

Here is Johnny Murph about adding music to the station. In this example he adds it to the 70s category because that is specific to him.