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Getting Sporty

Written by on 31st July 2019

New Shows For All

Introducing our newest shows

This Monday (5th August)  is the first of a brand new sports show; The Sports Roundup.  Local man Kieran Carvell of Leighton Buzzard Football Club will be bringing the latest results from sports clubs in Leighton Buzzard and the surrounding area.  The show will be on every Monday at 8pm.

A recent edition is Voice of the Town with presenter Gennaro Borrelli.  Voice of the Town is a local interest show covering topics that affect us and particularly our High Street.  He includes up to the minute news about planning, events and other topics such as parking and council news to keep you up to date.  Soon to join him will be Citizens Advice Bureau Leighton Buzzard who will be given their top tips each show.  Voice of the Town is on alternative Tuesdays with Business Talk.

Finally if you are a working parent, a stay at home Mum, a single Dad, concerned grandparents or any kind of parent/caregiver whatsoever we have a show for you.   The fabulous Sue Michaels gives us Parent Power every Monday at 1pm and repeated at 6pm.   Sue tackles all sorts of parenting topics plus she provides fantastic book reviews for all ages of readers and a what’s on guide to keep your little and big ones entertained.

All About the 90’s – it does exactly what it says -90’s music with Chris Richardson every Thursdays at 7pm and repeated Sundays at 5pm

That’s just a little review of 4 of our many shows.  You can find a list of our shows here

and if you miss any don’t forget you can find all of the previous shows on our Listen Again Page