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Wharf Residents Win Water Compensation

Written by on 14th January 2020

After interviews with the local press including Leighton Buzz Radio, Bee Local Magazine and the LBO, Residents of The Wharf have successfully campaigned to receive compensation after disputing Anglian Water’s claim that they were not due any.

Unhappy Wharf Residents

Unhappy residents at The Wharf development in Linslade had received letters and emails explaining that they are not eligible for compensation after the water outages before Christmas.

Leighton and Linslade residents plus other areas including Toddington and Hockliffe were left without water before Christmas. The outage started on Friday 13th December with many people without water for up to 3 days.

In an interview with us at Leighton Buzz Radio Sam Bay told us how she was without water from Friday 13th until the early hours of Sunday/Monday.  Leighton Buzz Radio invited Anglian Water to comment on the interview and we received the following statement.

“Further to investigations this weekend we have identified some customers living in The Wharf and Town Bridge Mill areas of Leighton Linslade who were incorrectly informed that they would not be receiving compensation following the loss of water they experienced over the weekend of the 13th – 16th December.

“This incident affected a large number of our customers and it has been a complex challenge to understand the degree of impact we had in various parts of Leighton Linslade, however we would like to apologise to those customers and we will be automatically refunding them as quickly as possible.”

Hear Sam’s interview here