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£54K to leighton Town Football Club

Written by on 6th July 2020

Leighton Town Football Club receives £54K funding for refurbishment

Leighton Town Football Club has been awarded £54k in funding to carry out major refurbishment to the club’s facilities.

The funding, which is made up from money secured by Central Bedfordshire Council from new local housing developments and also a Community Asset Grant, will see an important step towards rebuilding the club both on and off the pitch.

The work which is due to start mid-July will include the installation of a brand-new disabled toilet facility along with disabled access to the grounds. The other toilet facilities in the club will also be completely refurbished.

The function hall will receive new flooring and the main bar will have the ceiling and lighting replaced. The club’s roof has been patched up for a long time and this funding will also help to replace the section that is close to collapsing. There are also plans to redecorate which is being funded by the football club.

“This is great news for our club” said Director of Football Sean Downey. “At the last AGM I promised our members that we would do everything we could to access funding to improve our disability facilities and I am so pleased that we are finally able to carry out this important work. We are a community focused club and we want the best facilities possible to allow all our supporters, hirers and other users to enjoy their time at the club, whether this be playing for or supporting the teams, participating in classes and community activities or attending social functions in the hall. As the town grows it is important that we keep our social hubs strong, well maintained and vibrant. This is not just about football it is about community.”

Vice Chairman and Financial Controller Steve Harris added: “We would like to put on record our thanks to a number of people and organisations that have supported us in our bid. This includes Central Bedfordshire Council and the Rotary Club; their advice and support have been extremely helpful and hugely appreciated during this process.”

Councillor Kevin Collins, Central Bedfordshire Councils Executive Member for Planning and Regeneration said: “It’s great to see the funding secured from local housing developments being used for a project that will not only provide some amazing facilities for players and supporters but will also make a difference to the experience of community users.”

“In a growing town it is critical that we able to help maintain and develop community facilities. The club is used by a range of social groups and organisations throughout the week, so this investment really will benefit everyone in the area and bring people of all ages together.”

The club is used by a pre-school soft play group, The Igneous Diabetic Club, yoga and fitness clubs, “The Friday Club’ which is a community group of senior citizens who meet weekly at the club. There is often a 100+ elderly residents of the town in attendance. The facilities are also used by other groups and hired for social functions and events.


Notes for editors:

Breakdown of funding:

£29,170 from S106 Funding
£25,000 from the Community Asset Grant
£1,764.28 from Leighton Town Football Club